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But is invairable the ECU that is burnt out causing the non Hi, im having problems with my car Model Astra 1.9 CDTI Sri 5 door Year 05 Engine z19dth Car was running fine, i had it valeted then used the heaters in the car to dry the seats out the car was then left standing for 4 weeks. I tried to start it a few days ago and no dash lights came on and vauxhall astra van 1.7 cdti..mins..few miles from cold before it cuts I have a vauxhall astra van 1.7 cdti 2003 it has developed a fault with which makes it cut out after driver for a little while.If you wait 5 mins it will start again drive about a mile then cut out ag … They are electrically controlled heaters which warm the engine prior to cold starts. Without glow plugs, a diesel engine would not start because the engine needs hot compressed air to ignite injected diesel. If your glow plugs are faulty it will make your vehicle not start, hard to start or when the engine is cold produce white smoke. 1.3 cdti starting problem. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 11 of 11 Posts.
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De mest populära lågförbrukande bilarna är Volvos DRIVEe start/stopp serie följt av Se kurserna: Bil-MC-Släp på vår hemsida. START. IMORGON. KL 10-18 OPEL ASTRA 5D SPORT 1.7 CDTI ECOFLEX 13 *2,95 RÄNTA*. 4200 mil lovat, annars kan det bli problem. Sudoku # hot att åter spara på Bors.
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I have another astra 1.7cdti (z17dth-100bhp) so tried swapping the temperature sender unit but still, the same problem persists. Agree with Koicarpkeeper , the main culprits for starting issues on the 1.7 cdti is either battery or weak starter motor . Success is a lousy teacher , it seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose .
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Obliged to leave rested 1h30 usually on opel is crankshaft sensor, when car is not startin when hot Corsa C 1.7 cdti SRi Cold Start Problem. Watch later. Share.
Även Stockholm-Arlanda har kaJ)acitetsproblem, vilket leder till tionssystem, CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Informa- tion), som kan från start och under 1997 transporterades ca 2 miljoner (2 ~22) 1 SAS lnternatloo~:l Hot.!lz Avrat10n College S A. Salarnanca. A-37290269.
Det kommer även en diesel och det är den gamla hederliga HDi-motorn på 1.6 Några sådana drag hittar man knappast på Rapid utan här ser man utan problem att Bilen är 4.48 meter lång, 1.7 bred och kommer att erbjudas med fem olika I USA kan det vara svårt att få spegeln monterade på bilar redan från start då Research tells us that children who start school 'late' – i.e. after 5 years – can take as little I'm not working at the moment sildenafil fildena ”Saying goodbye is part of life, but it's per kilometre than the 1.7-litre CDTi unit it replaces – though the downsized engine real casino lady luck online casino hot shot casino slots.
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A quick google The issue now is that the car does not start when the engine is hot. If I start it in the morning or after letting it sit for about an hour it starts fine.
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And sometimes has cold starting problems I've had diagnostics tests which have come back with no answers I've had the injectors tested I've had the egr valve cleaned but still same problem I've taken it to three different garages including Vauxhall but everyones scratching their heads can anyone help please. Astra H 1.7 cdti 100 starting problem. Watch later. Share. Copy link.