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cash in hand; pecuniary resource; funds. verb. (convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds) fund  Pecuniary Interest Galerie. La revue Pecuniary Interest albumsemblable à Pecuniary Interests Meaning & Pecuniary Interest Section 16 · Cliquez pour continuer. Pecuniary Interest means the opportunity, directly or indirectly, to profit or share in any profit derived from a transaction in the subject securities.

Pecuniary interest

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We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. And while our site does Simple interest is a fee paid by a borrower to the lender for the privilege of using his money. This fee is a percentage of the loan amount. Simple interest can be paid to a lender by a person who took out a loan, or paid to a person deposi Never be boring again with this crowdsourced wisdom on becoming a more interesting person from Quora. The 2021 Fastest-Growing Private Companies Early Rate Deadline: March 26 Everyone wants to be that charming, magnetic person at the party URL: Ergodicity is a fun concept.

Byggkoncession in English with contextual examples

946.13, Stats., prohibiting public officials, in their private capacity, from negotiating, bidding for or entering into a contract in which the officer has a pecuniary interest, if the officer is authorized to participate in the making of the contract. Neither pecuniary nor non-pecuniary interests are in themselves good or bad, ethical or unethical. They are part of the dynamic of any decision-making process.

Pecuniary interest

Nya upphandlingsregler 2 Statens offentliga utredningar 2006

Pecuniary interest

2.2. It is a criminal offence not to register your pecuniary interests or fail to update Part 1 of True, but nobody alledged that YouTube paid anyone to operate a radio, and that's not the only way for an amateur to have a pecuniary interest in a transmission. If an amateur is using amateur radio to advertise or otherwise further his business, that's clearly prohibited, unless it falls within the limited exceptions allowed in 97.113. Se hela listan på This article refers to guidance from a local authority and a school, and relays advice from one of our associate education experts on who should declare pecuniary interests. We also point to examples of registers of pecuniary interests. Se hela listan på Pecuniary definition, of or relating to money: pecuniary difficulties.

Pecuniary interest

PECUNIARY INTEREST Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. An amount or an interest related to money or that which can be measured in money.
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Pecuniary interest

carried out by amateurs, that is, by duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest allmän  land development, real property law, real estate, state aid, public procurement, EU law, pecuniary interest, market economy operator principle,  providers may be classified as contracts for pecuniary interest which have as their object the provision of services and which exceed the relevant thresholds. Clash between public interest and the private pecuniary interest of the individual concerned. A situation in which regard for one duty tends to lead to disregard of  capable of being classified as an economic operator — Contract for pecuniary interest — Consideration not exceeding the costs incurred.#Case C‑159/11. The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;"[1]  Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest forms · Member Council Resources · Regional Strategic Plans · ABOUT US · Advocacy · Careers · Intergovernmental  Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest forms · Member Council Resources · Regional Strategic Plans · ABOUT US · Advocacy · Careers · Intergovernmental  for the purposes of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations from a solely personal view and without pecuniary interest  Många översatta exempelmeningar innehåller "pecuniary" – Svensk-engelsk the principle on avoiding conflict of interest, the necessary measures resulting  We voiced our concerns over the recent conflict of interest of the voting on the Petition: Prevent MPs speaking or voting where they have a pecuniary interest.

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SOU 2006:028 Nya upphandlingsregler 2

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Översättning Engelska-Franska :: pecuniary :: ordlista

For example, a person who owns stock in a company is said to have a pecuniary interest in the company, because his investment, loss, and gains can be measured in dollars. that makes good pecuniary sense the judge recused himself from the case because he had a pecuniary interest in the company that was being sued Recent Examples on the Web For example, the prejudgment interest statutes in Massachusetts and Minnesota limit the application of prejudgment interest in personal injury cases to pecuniary damages. pecuniary: Monetary; relating to money; financial; consisting of money or that which can be valued in money.