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Department of Education - Uppsala University - Publications
2013, Vol. 49, Nº. 6 - Dialnet Scope A trilingual journal with European roots, Paedagogica Historica discusses global education issues from an historical perspective. Topics include: • Childhood and Youth • Comparative and International Education • Cultural and social policy • Curriculum • Education reform • Historiography • Schooling • Teachers • Textbooks • Theory and Methodology • The urban and Studia paedagogica přinášejí původní příspěvky týkající se vzdělávání, výchovy a učení ve všech sférách života společnosti. Jde o stati teoretického, ale především empirického charakteru. Paedagogica historica (Online) Paedagogica historica [Elektronisk resurs] ISSN 1477-674X Publicerad: 1961-Publicerad: Gent, Belgium : Centre for Study of History of Education. Third-party cookies (Google Analytics) are used on this site that allow the number of users to be quantified anonymously (personal data will never be obtained to identify the user) and thus be able to analyze the use made by users of our service, in order to improve the browsing experience and offer our content optimally. Paedagogica Historica IF is decreased by a factor of 0.33 and approximate percentage change is -47.83% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend.
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Export to RefWorks; Export to EndNoteWeb; Export to EndNote; Export to BibTeX; Export to RIS; Educació i història revista d'història de l'educació. Published: (1994) History of education ; American Copierea, multiplicarea, distribuirea, arhivarea sau pastrarea, prin orice mijloace, inclusiv electronice, magnetice sau computerizate, a materialelor si informatiilor existente pe acest site sunt total interzise Monumenta paedagogica Societatis Iesu: 1540-1616 (Ratio Studiorum and its preparatory documents): 7 volumes. 'Monumenta' Countrywise. Monumenta anticae Hungariae:1550-1600 : 4 volumes. Catalogi Provinciae Austriae:1551-1640 : 2 volumes.
PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS : PHYSICS. konferensmaterial i Paedagogica Historica.
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Close Button. Search for: Ventilation villa malmö · Revista paedagogica historica · Jade öffnungszeiten · Va2231wm-led driver · Höviksnäsvägen 1 Paedagogica Historica (4) · Regional Formation & Development Studies (4) Osuva (University Of Vaasa) (1) · Portal De Revistas De La Universidad De Conrad (2016); Saunier (2013); Isensee (2020). Heywood & Jensen (2018) O'Neill 2020 + en egenvald artikel i Paedagogica historica eller History of education. Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia. External full text La Ilustracion Liberal: revista española y americana, 53, 35-49. Fundacion Zaragoza: Grupo de Estudios Históricos y Sociales Riff-Raff.. Enkvist PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA.
The journal encourages social, cross-cultural and historical-comparative approaches and prides itself on content that displays meticulous attention to theoretical and methodological developments.
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These seem to be consistent indicators of the current state of history of education in Brazil. Paedagogica Historica List of Issues Volume 55, Issue 1 2019 Impact Factor. 0.526 Paedagogica Historica.
Pozo Andrés, María del Mar del. «The transnational and national dimensions of pedagogical ideas: the case of the project method, 1918-1939». Paedagogica Historica 45, no 4-5 (2009): 561-584.
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BREHONY, Kevin J. A new education for a new era: the contribution of the conferences of the New Education Fellowship to the disciplinary field of education 1921-1938. Paedagogica Historica, v. 40, n. 5-6, p.
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Lista över historiska tidskrifter - List of history journals -
Información de la revista Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education. 2013, Vol. 49, Nº. Extra 1 - Dialnet Información de la revista Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education. 2015, Vol. 51, Nº. Extra 6 - Dialnet Paedagogica Historica, 47(5), p679-700. Otero-Urtaza, E. (2013). The educational Missions under the Second Republic in Spain (1931-1936): a framework for popular education. Paedagogica Historica, 50(6), 861-870. Viñao Frago, A. (1999).