JK JETKONTOR AG - 1 foto - Fraktföretag - - Facebook


JK JETKONTOR AG - 1 foto - Fraktföretag - - Facebook

All flights advertised to which Victor has access are owned and operated by a properly licensed third party air carrier with Part 135 and Part 121 authority from the Federal Aviation Administration (or other appropriate authority under US or foreign law) and Department of Transportation. Stars, Geschäftsleute, Prominente: Über die Jahre hat JETKONTOR das Vertrauen vieler „Geschäftsflieger“ gewonnen. Wir fliegen Hollywood-Stars, die in Europa auf Promotion-Tour sind, Sportler, die nach einem Spiel ins Fernsehstudio eilen und Politiker, die abends in der Talkshow die Ereignisse des Tages analysieren. Stars, business people, VIPs. Over the years, JETKONTOR has won the trust of many a business flier. We have flown Hollywood stars travelling across Europe to promote their latest films, sports greats needing to make the TV sports round-up following an important match, politicians debating and analysing the day's events on the evening's talk shows. JK JETKONTOR AG Aviation Company | AOC D-158 EG GAT Geschäftsfliegerzentrum Flughafen Hamburg Building 347 Phone +49 (40) 5075 3321 Administration Pinneberger Str. 243 25488 Hamburg / Holm Phone +49 (4103) 970 400 Fax +49 (4103) 970 […] JK JETKONTOR AG Luftfahrtunternehmen | AOC D-158 EG GAT Geschäftsfliegerzentrum Flughafen Hamburg Gebäude 347 Telefon +49 (40) 5075 3321 Administration Pinneberger Str. 243 d D-25488 Holm Telefon +49 (4103) 970 400 Fax +49 (4103) 970 401 E-Mail: […] Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for JK JETKONTOR AG of Holm, Schleswig-Holstein.

Jetkontor ag

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84 likes. Clothing (Brand) See more of Sport Lovers on Facebook D-IPCH on Jet Membership. Jet Membership. $0 Commission Private Jet Charters | JetMembership.com Explore this photo album by Gideon van Dijk on Flickr! Chemikálie, farmacie, plasty; Doprava, přeprava, spedice a logistika; Elektrotechnické výrobky, elektronika, optika; Energie, životní prostředí Picture of Cessna 551 Citation II SP taken at Palma De Mallorca (Son San Juan) (PMI / LEPA), Spain by Ewan Partridge on ABPic Fly Victor is a charter broker with a global digital jet charter market place, and is not a direct air carrier. All flights advertised to which Victor has access are owned and operated by a properly licensed third party air carrier with Part 135 and Part 121 authority from the Federal Aviation Administration (or other appropriate authority under US or foreign law) and Department of Transportation.

Amapola Flyg – JCAI

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Jetkontor ag

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Jetkontor ag

Log In JK JetKontor AG: 00.08.17: Active: Key: Flown It Seen It Not Seen It You have not seen or flown this aircraft yet. Add Sighting Add Flight. Go PREMIUM to remove Ads SIGHTINGS. Recent Sightings; Date Airport Spotted By Image; 01/01/2020: OFF: Mark Harrop Aviation: 22/11/2019: CEG: Mark Harrop Aviation: 07/11/2019: CEG: Mark Harrop Aviation: 25 Landing runway 26 at Luton Airport on the 25th December 2019 JK JETKONTOR AG. 45 likes. Cargo & Freight Company.

Jetkontor ag

Cancellation Should the charter customer cancel a booked and confirmed flight the air carrier is entitled to charge the following indemnity: Aircraft: Cessna Citation CJ2+ (D-IPCH) S/N 525A0347 by JK JetKontor Ag. Aircraft information, request and photos. Reference #13897491 JK JETKONTOR AG Page 2 of 2. Title: 504b2f7f-55f7-4dd9-86e8-a11606d1bcb2 Created Date: 20180711082857Z Aircraft: Cessna Citation CJ1 (D-INCS) S/N 525-0466 by JK JetKontor Ag. Aircraft information, request and photos. JK JETKONTOR AG HAMBURG AIRPORT HAMBURG, Germany Tel: 49 405 0753321, 49 172 4233 400 • Fax: 49 4103 970 401 Email: ed.rotnoktej@ofni D-IPCH on Jet Membership. Jet Membership.
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Jetkontor ag

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JK JetKontor AG: 00.00.05: Left Fleet: D-INCS: Bizair Fluggesellschaft: 27.04.05: Active: Key: Flown It Seen It Not Seen It You have not seen or flown this aircraft yet. Add Sighting Add Flight. Go PREMIUM to remove Ads SIGHTINGS. Recent Sightings; Date Airport Spotted By All invoices by the air carrier are to be paid in full in advance before take off, payment received on the JK JETKONTOR AG account.
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84 likes. Clothing (Brand) See more of Sport Lovers on Facebook JK JETKONTOR AG HAMBURG AIRPORT HAMBURG, Germany Tel: 49 405 0753321, 49 172 4233 400 • Fax: 49 4103 970 401 Email: ed.rotnoktej@ofni Aircraft: Cessna Citation CJ4 (D-COLO) S/N 525C0044 by JK JetKontor Ag. Aircraft information, request and photos. Fly Victor is a charter broker with a global digital jet charter market place, and is not a direct air carrier. All flights advertised to which Victor has access are owned and operated by a properly licensed third party air carrier with Part 135 and Part 121 authority from the Federal Aviation Administration (or other appropriate authority under US or foreign law) and Department of Transportation.

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Amapola Flyg – JCAI

JK JETKONTOR AG on Jet Membership.