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Ben-Sasson, M. (1991) A family at a time of transition - A study of the encounter between Halakha and history in North Africa with new evidence on Dunash ben Tamim. 2019-07-10 · Professor Menahem Ben-Sasson recently became Chancellor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem after serving as President for eight years. He also previously served as Rector of the university. Professor Ben-Sasson is an internationally renowned scholar and specializes in the History of the Jewish People. Prof.

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Menahem Ben-Sasson’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Menachem Ben-Sasson (ur. 7 lipca 1951 w Jerozolimie) – izraelski polityk, historyk, członek Knesetu z listy partii Kadima w latach 2006-2009. Służbę wojskową ukończył w stopniu sierżanta.

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Philip Ben. 516-590-2984 581-714 Phone Numbers in Disraeli, Canada. Menahem Ben-Sasson, president för det hebreiska universitetet i Jerusalem, kritiserade landets ledare för att de inte tog saken allvarligt. "Den viktigaste  Jobey Nickeson.

Menachem ben sasson

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes – Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson

Menachem ben sasson

zippyshare Ben Lukas Boysen – Love (Original Mix) Menachem 26 – Mitzpe Ramon (Cihangir Çınar Remix). Menahem Ben-Sasson (Hebrew: מנחם בן-ששון ‎, born 7 July 1951) is an Israeli politician and a former member of the Knesset for Kadima. Between 2009 and 2017 he was the president of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, succeeding Menachem Magidor. Menahem Ben-Sasson is the thirteenth President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, today in the midst of his second term of four years in this position. Previously Prof. Ben-Sasson had served as Rector of the Hebrew University and as Vice Dean of the Faculty of the Faculty of Humanities.

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Menachem ben sasson

President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Prof. Menahem Ben Sasson, 14. Juni 2019 Geist und Wissenschaften. Auf dem Podium: Yfaat Weiss, Beate Schücking, Menachem Ben-Sasson und Matthias Kleiner (v.l.) Foto: Isabel  10 Jul 2014 Menachem Ben-Sasson, the president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a former member of Knesset for Kadima, is a scholar who  Menachem Ben Sasson, Matthew Bronfman, Chaim Chesler, Joseph Ciechanover< Claims Conference Vice President Ben Helfgott, Sighet Jewish community  17 Nov 2016 Menachem Ben-Sasson; Tel Aviv University President, Prof.

Between 2009 and 2017 he was the president of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, succeeding Menachem Magidor. Menahem Ben-Sasson is the thirteenth President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, today in the midst of his second term of four years in this position. Previously Prof. Ben-Sasson had served as Rector of the Hebrew University and as Vice Dean of the Faculty of the Faculty of Humanities.
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Hanoch Gutfreund & HU President, Prof. Menachem Ben Sasson On the 29 th October, 2008 – 5 members, Menachem Ben Sasson, Amira Dotan, Avraham Michaeli, Gideon Sa’ar and David Rotem. For the 2 nd and 3 rd reading of the law on 5.12.2008 there were four Knesset Members present: Mohammad Barakeh – ( the Speaker ), Menahem Ben-Sasson, Colette Avital, Reuvan Rivlin ACADEMIC STUDIES Date Institute Departments Degree 1973-1975 The Heb. University Jewish Hist. , Jew. Phil., B.A. 1976-1982 The Heb. University " + Islamic Studies PhD 1983-1984 Cambridge University Genizah Research Unit Post Doc Menahem Ben-Sasson CV and List of Publications 3.

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Mr. Michael Federmann,. President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Prof.