Ep.68 The Berkshire UFO - UFO Chronicles Podcast Lyssna
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This was about 20 minutes ago as I write this. It was flying slowly at first. For the Reed family of Massachusetts, their stories of unexplained encounters are anything but tall tales. Instead, they're encounters that span three generations and entire decades, punctuated by terrifying instances of lost time, encounters with alien creatures, and — perhaps even worse — ridicule and harassment from those who heard the stories.
He claims he was abducted in 1966 and then in 1967 10 Apr 2018 SHEFFIELD — A memorial marking the location of a 1969 close encounter, known as "our nation's first off-world/UFO incident," is going to be 20 Dec 2019 National UFO Reporting Center is filled with accounts claiming to have seen flying alien saucers, which a viewer reported seeing over Caped 1 May 2006 As a longtime investigator of unusual phenomena, I have no doubt that UFOs exist. UFOs, are, of course, Unidentified Flying Objects, and 18 Jun 2020 PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshires are a being featured in a new episodes of " Unsolved Mysteries" that are being launched this summer by 24 May 2019 380363 02: A sticker declares the existence of flying saucers from the window of a car parked on property near Jamul, CA, October 15, 2000, 2 Jul 2020 Netflix series Unsolved Mysteries tapped into the Berkshire UFO sightings - but what has happened since the end of the film? 29 Apr 2020 If you follow the universe of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings at all, you've probably already seen the intriguing footage that was 25 Jan 2013 Military plane was flying over Amherst during reported UFO sighting. By REBECCA EVERETTStaff Writer. Last modified: Friday, January 25, If you're new, subscribe: http://bit.ly/1qfux9S #UFO #SouthCoast #FallRiver © 2020 Townsquare Media Go here: https://fun107.com Like us: 17 Oct 2013 The Hockomock Swamp is at the heart of the Bridgewater Triangle -- a roughly 200-square-mile section of southeastern Massachusetts 25 Feb 2016 This picture, taken through the window of a laboratory by a 21-year-old U.S. coastguard, shows four unidentified flying objects as bright lights in 24 Oct 2014 In 1954, a football game in Florence was interrupted by UFOs flying over the stadium. The spectacle was witnessed by more than 10000 people 19 Feb 2018 Dispatch fielded at least three reports of unidentified flying objects on Aug. 17, 1978 -- a day after strange objects invaded Illinois.
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Multiple witnesses reported seeing strange lights and experiencing other strange occurrences " Massachusetts" is a song by the Bee Gees, released in 1967. Written by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb. Robin Gibb sang lead vocals on this song and it would become one of his staple songs to perform during both Bee Gees concerts and his solo appearances.
This state is actually home to the only “historically true” U.F.O sighting in America. And you can actually visit the site where it happened.
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The encounter lasted about five minutes and was the first time someone reported At this point we have what appears to be a fairly normal UFO encounter. But what happened next to the evidence of this Massachusetts UFO encounter is far more baffling and far more troubling. It indicates that someone knew that he was there and recorded the UFO. The next day, I went to work and parked in the parking lot. A video of a puzzling, glittering object seen above Massachusetts has sparked conspiracy claims, just like the weird snake-like UFO sightingsthat made the rounds online last year.
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Bryan Pocius/Flickr About 40 people in the Berkshires witnessed a UFO in 1969. One of the most compelling episodes: "Berkshires UFO," which tracks an unidentified flying object that was spotted by multiple people on September 1, 1969, in Great Barrington, Sheffield, BRAINTREE, MA — On July 1, 2005, someone said they saw a small, metallic sphere 40 feet in air in broad daylight. The encounter lasted about five minutes and was the first time someone reported At this point we have what appears to be a fairly normal UFO encounter. But what happened next to the evidence of this Massachusetts UFO encounter is far more baffling and far more troubling. It indicates that someone knew that he was there and recorded the UFO. The next day, I went to work and parked in the parking lot.