Detection of Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Radical Anion by


Molecular responses of plants to solar UV-B and UV - CORE

Light energy captured by antenna chlorophylls is transferred rapidly to the primary electron donor, P 700. 2020-06-02 Until now, the functional and structural characterization of monomeric photosystem 1 (PS1) complexes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus has been hampered by the lack of a fully intact PS1 preparation; for this reason, the three-dimensional crystal structure at 2.5 Å resolution was determined with the trimeric PS1 complex [Jordan, P., et al. (2001) Nature 411 (6840), 909−917]. Main Function. Photosystem 1: The main function of the photosystem 1 is NADPH synthesis.

Photosystem 1 function

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The Gene Ontology (GO) project provides a set of hierarchical controlled vocabulary split into 3 categories:


GO - Biological process i Until now, the functional and structural characterization of monomeric photosystem 1 (PS1) complexes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus has been hampered by the lack of a fully intact PS1 preparation; for this reason, the three-dimensional crystal structure at 2.5 Å resolution was determined with the trimeric PS1 complex [Jordan, P., et al. (2001) Nature 411 (6840), 909−917]. Abstract. The most important function of photosystem II (PSII) is its action as a water-plastoquinone oxido-reductase. At the expense of light energy, water is split, and oxygen and plastoquinol are formed.

Forskning vid Uppsala universitet - Uppsala universitet

A photosystem II-associated carbonic anhydrase regulates the efficiency of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. 2. The PSII-associated Cah3 in  Hansson, Ö. (1986) The role of manganese in the photosynthetic production of plastocyanin-photosystem 1 electron-transfer complex as revealed by mutant  Oxygen-dependent electron flow influences photosystem II function and psbA of psbAI message, encoding the D1:1 protein of PSII, and induction of psbAII/AIII  The cyanobacterium Synechococcus modulates Photosystem II function in by a transient replacement of one photosystem II reaction center D1 form (D1:1)  Photosystem I, another important light driven protein complex continues electron transfer in the thylakoid membrane.

Photosystem 1 function

allegato213863.pdf - Dipartimento di Biotecnologie

Photosystem 1 function

Photosystem I (PS I) is a chlorophyll (Chl)–protein complex that functions as a light-driven plastocyanin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Electron transfer from plastocyanin ( E m ≈ +370 mV) to ferredoxin ( E m ≈ −430 mV) would normally be very endergonic (Δ G ≈ +87 kJ/mol), but is rendered favorable by coupling to absorption of a photon of visible light.

Photosystem 1 function

activity, damaging D1 proteins and photosystem II, reducing chlorophyll (Chl).
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Photosystem 1 function

Photosystem I (PS I) is a chlorophyll (Chl)–protein complex that functions as a light-driven plastocyanin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Electron transfer from plastocyanin ( E m ≈ +370 mV) to ferredoxin ( E m ≈ −430 mV) would normally be very endergonic (Δ G ≈ +87 kJ/mol), but is rendered favorable by coupling to absorption of a photon of visible light. Photosystem I is one of the two membrane-bound photosystems of plants, algae and cyanobacteria that mediate light-driven electron transport from water to NADPH. The concept of two different plant photosystems emerged in the 1960s and was mostly based on spectroscopy measurements.

Its name is derived from the word “pigment”, and the maximal wavelength of light it can absorb, 700 nm, at which the phenomenon of photobleaching would occur. Its absorption spectrum peaks at 700 nm. 2017-05-03 Oxygenic photosynthesis, the principal converter of sunlight into chemical energy on earth, is catalyzed by four multi-subunit membrane-protein complexes: photosystem I (PSI), photosystem II (PSII), the cytochrome b(6)f complex, and F-ATPase. PSI generates the most negative redox potential in nature and largely determines the global amount of enthalpy in living systems.
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Gunnar Öquist - Umeå universitet

Three-dimensional structure of the Photosystem II assembly factor HCF136  Sökning: "Photosystem I". Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 47 avhandlingar innehållade orden Photosystem I. 1. Photosystem I : organisational and functional aspects.

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Detection of Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Radical Anion by

Electron transfer from plastocyanin ( E m ≈ +370 mV) to ferredoxin ( E m ≈ −430 mV) would normally be very endergonic (Δ G ≈ +87 kJ/mol), but is rendered favorable by coupling to absorption of a photon of visible light. Photosystem I is one of the two membrane-bound photosystems of plants, algae and cyanobacteria that mediate light-driven electron transport from water to NADPH. The concept of two different plant photosystems emerged in the 1960s and was mostly based on spectroscopy measurements. The light reaction of photosynthesis. The light reaction occurs in two photosystems (units of chlorophyll molecules).