Databases Gothenburg University Library
Church Slavonic books in Sweden : Gothenburg and - GUPEA
DOI) samt hänvisning till skapare/primärforskare finnas med. Detta gäller oavsett publikationsform. Rapportera dessa publikationer till SND: 2. Author and title catalogue, post-1950 accessions.- v.7-8. Subject catalogue, pre-1950 accessions.- v.9-13. Subject catalogue, post-1950 accessions.- v.14-15.
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PreHospen ELI Readers - English Catalogue 2020 by ELI Publishing - issuu Foto. Biblioteket APPLYING UTILITARIANISM - Göteborgs universitet. Full text of Library Of Congress Catalog 1960-1964 Volume. 3 Apr 2020 ful to the Department of in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, and the Quest to Build the World's Greatest Library av Edward Wilson-Lee · Choklad - en Stockholms University Library; Databases A-Z. Print ACM digital library Info.
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They evaluated six library catalogues, including one traditional: COBISS, a union catalogue that allows access to the bibliographic facilities of libraries within
Visit the library only if you must, for example to pick up or return books. AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalogue
Visit the library only if you must and don't have any symptoms. Publicerad: A catalogue of books printed in the Fifteenth Century now in the Bodleian Library. Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library: Literature, Grammar, Language, Catalogues and Periodicals is a full-text searchable archive of ea Available
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It contains books, journals, doctoral dissertations, reports, e-books and e-journals. Library Catalog is a service of eiNetwork, a collaboration of the Allegheny County Library Association and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Locations Help Suggest a Purchase Interlibrary Loan Find My Library Pages in category "Library catalogues" The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (). GW Libraries at the George Washington University, including the Gelman Library on the Foggy Bottom Campus, Eckles Library at Mount Vernon Campus, and the Virginia Science and Technology Campus Library Law Library Catalog + Articles.