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Vi arbetar för fullt på att bygga om alla sidor i Terminalen och förbättrar existerande funktioner. I Terminalen hittar du en NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden GI visar en stark utveThis is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. OMX Nordic 40 · OMX Nordic Large Cap EUR PI · OMX Nordic Mid Cap EUR PI, OMX Nordic Small Cap EUR PI. OMX Nordic Small Cap EUR PI 737,28 (0,49%) av J Melin · 2011 — that relative valuation of small caps generates both absolute and risk adjusted excess returns OMXSSCPI OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index. P/BV.
OMX Stockholm Mid Cap Översikt. Nedan hittar du information om OMX Stockholm Mid Cap index. Du kan hitta mer information genom att gå till ett av avsnitten på den här sidan, såsom historisk data, diagram, teknisk analys och annat. Candlestick-diagram. Ytdiagram.
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For viewing other markets or segments, please use the links in the right column. Get historical data for the NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden PI (^NOMXSCSEPI) on Yahoo Finance.
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NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden PI (^NOMXSCSEPI) Stockholm - Stockholm Real Time Price. Currency in SEK. Add to watchlist. 2,330.72 +9.06 (+0.39%) At close: December 11 5:36PM CET. Summary. Chart This page features real-time streaming quotes of the OMX Stockholm Small Cap Index Constituents.
Investera i indexfonder med låg avgift som följer indexen Carnegie Small Cap och OMX Small Cap. Indexfonderna heter PLUS Småbolag Sverige Index och PLUS Mikrobolag Sverige Index. 2021-04-09 · The Sweden Small Cap Index is a new modern portfolio index representing the Swedish small and mid cap investment segment.
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Alligator Bioscience AB, Mid Cap, Small Cap, Stockholm. Attendo AB, Large Cap Katso indeksin OMX NORDIC STOCKHOLM SMALL CAP tiedot, arvo ja graafi. NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden GI. 3.977,04. +58,31 (+1,49%).
NOMXSCSEPI, NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden PI, (SE0002896373). Index info · Index activity · Historiska kurser.
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The index consists of all Small Cap companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchanges. The segment Small Cap includes companies whose shares have a market value of less than 150 million euro.
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OMXCSCPI. OPDATERET 08:05:05. AVANCERET GRAF. 1D1D; 1M1MD; 3M 3MD 17 Dec 2020 Company Name, Current Segment, New Segment, Exchange.