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2020-01-28 · Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has promoted Anna Skoglund to head its group advising private equity firms and large financial investors in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Goldman Sachs London Prada Deal Team. left to right: Amedeo Cesco, Paolo Zannoni, Denni Manzatto, Eoghainn Calder, Antonino Mattarella, Antonio Gatti, Matthew Westerman, Anna Skoglund, Francesco Papa, Giuseppe Pipitone Anna Skoglund's email address a*****@goldmansachs.com | Show email & phone number >>> Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 250M+ professionals. Try searches for free by visiting rocketreach.co Anna Skoglund Partner at Goldman Sachs London. 52 personer till med namnet Anna Skoglund är medlemmar på LinkedIn Se andra med namnet Anna Skoglund Skaffa dig nya Goldman Sachs Group Inc has named Anna Skoglund head of its team advising private equity firms on dealmaking in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), according to an internal memo seen by Reuters. Anna Skoglund is responsible for covering consumer and retail clients for investment banking in Europe. She joined Goldman Sachs in 1996 as a financial analyst in the Credit Department in London.

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London, United Kingdom. Anna Skoglund. Anna Skoglund Technology Consultant på Volvo Trucks. Uddevalla, Sweden. Anna Skoglund. Anna Skoglund 2020-01-30 2020-05-13 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has promoted Anna Skoglund to head its group advising private equity firms and large financial investors in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

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Anna Skoglund. Anna Skoglund 2020-01-30 2020-05-13 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has promoted Anna Skoglund to head its group advising private equity firms and large financial investors in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She takes over as EMEA head of the team, known as the Financial and Strategic Investors Group, from Rob Pulford, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg News. Anna Skoglund.

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Anna Skoglund Partner at Goldman Sachs London. Melissa Bowen. Melissa Bowen Incoming MBA Candidate at MIT Sloan School of Management London. Thomas Pearce, CFA. Thomas Pearce, CFA Equity Trader London. Kunal Shah.

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Goldman Sachs London Prada Deal Team. left to right: Amedeo Cesco, Paolo Zannoni, Denni Manzatto, Eoghainn Calder, Antonino Mattarella, Antonio Gatti, Matthew Westerman, Anna Skoglund, Francesco Papa, Giuseppe Pipitone Anna Skoglund is responsible for covering consumer and retail clients for investment banking in Europe. She joined Goldman Sachs in 1996 as a financial analyst in the Credit Department in London. She moved to the Communication, Media and Technology group in the Investment Banking Division in 1998. Anna Skoglund Partner at Goldman Sachs London.
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Head of financial and strategic investors group, Emea, Goldman Sachs.

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Anna Skoglund is responsible for covering consumer and retail clients for investment banking in Europe. She joined Goldman Sachs in 1996 as a financial analyst in the Credit Department in London. Goldman Sachs Group Inc has named Anna Skoglund head of its team advising private equity firms on dealmaking in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), according to an internal memo seen by Goldman Sachs Group Inc has named Anna Skoglund head of its team advising private equity firms on dealmaking in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), according to an internal memo seen by Anna Skoglund and Iain Drayton, Managing Directors at Goldman Sachs, added: “We are excited to be launching this partnership with Birkbeck and work alongside a historic and innovative institution which gives access to the highest quality education and research to anyone who has the ability and drive to succeed, regardless of their circumstances. Goldman Sachs London Prada Deal Team.

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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Joana’s connections and jobs at similar companies. (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has promoted Anna Skoglund to head its group advising private equity firms and large financial investors in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She takes over as EMEA head of the team, known as the Financial and Strategic Investors Group, from Rob Pulford, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg News.