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A spiker must contact the ball on his/her own side of the net, but may in Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. 2012 London Olympics, Saori Sakado (Japan) spikes the ball while Basic Volleyball Rule Violations. Rule violations BASIC VOLLEYBALL TERMINOLOGY. A Attack Block: The defensive team's attempt to block a spiked ball.
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Spike är en rollfigur från serien Buffy och vampyrerna och spelas av James Marsters. Spike är också en viktig karaktär i serien Angel, se Angel (TV-serie) , under den femte och sista säsongen. Vidare var Spike en poet och hette William Pratt innan han blev förvandlad till vampyr och antog namnet Spike. Background: Spike effectiveness represents a determining element in volleyball. To compete at a high level, the player must, in particular, produce a spike characterized by a high ball velocity. Hypothesis: Some muscular and physical features could influence ball velocity during the volleyball spike.
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Spiking is the most fun part of playing volleyball. Players take an approach to get in position tospike. When a hitter hits the ball really hard, this The spike traditionally is the third touch. The spike is normally a description used on a particularly hard swing or attack.
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Antennae: The rods that protrude above the top of the net and define the width of the attacking area.
×. Terms and Conditions. Spike, 296 cm (117 in).
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Volleyball Dig Volleyball terminology for a dig is defined as passing a spiked or hard hit ball. Defensive players are often call diggers.
Playing the Game. • A point is scored on every play/serve; and a score is worth 1 point. free ball A ball that will be returned by a pass rather than a spike. This is usually called aloud by the defense instructing players to move into serve receive
Attack Line" Sometimes called the "10-foot line," the line parallel to the center line and 10 feet back from the net.
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The quarterback rushes everyone back to the line of scrimmage, gets a play off and spikes the ball to stop the clock with 12 seconds remaining in the game. Sports The Term Is Used. 1.
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Lista över volleyboll-videospel - List of volleyball video games
What Are The Definitions Of Spike?