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Designed to be affordable and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. Designed for limited space and boundless potential. The BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 cell analyzer delivers high-performance multicolor analysis with the most compact footprint in its class at just 30" x 29" (76.2 x 73.7 cm) and a height of 30" (76.2 cm). BD Fortessa X20 A Configuration and Fluorochromes Laser Diva Parameter Name Fluorochromes 488 nm Blue B 530/30 BB515, FITC, AF488, CFSE, GFP, TO-PRO-1 B 695/40 BB700, PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5, PerCP-eFluor710, 7-AAD, PI 633 nm Red R 670/30 APC, AF633, AF647, TO-PRO-3 R 730/45 AF 700, APC-Cy5.5, Dye Cycle Ruby R 780/60 APC-Cy7, APC-H7, APC-eFluor780 BD LSR Fortessa SORP – How to Use Guide 7 26 In the Experiment menu select “Experiment Layout” and write the name of the molecules you are analyzing in the corresponding fluorochrome/channel.
The facility also has three 4-laser Fortessa analysers and three cell sorters, one of which is housed in a Class II Biosafety cabinet. Services BD Fortessa X20. BD LSR Fortessa SORP 1. BD LSRFortessa lasers (405nm, 488nm, 640nm), up to 11 different fluorescence channels, and both tube and 96-well plate loader Instrument: LSR Fortessa HTS. Date:_31 Mar 2015__. By:____Teia___. LASER: Blue Alt #1.
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The facility at 2117A Everitt Lab (click link for campus map) is equipped with a BD LSR Fortessa analyser. It is very similar in operation to the LSR II cytometers (RAL and ERML Satelite Facilities) but with greater analysing sensitivity. The HTS (high throughput system) is designed for samples in 96-well plates and 384-well plates. 488nm Laser (Blue) DetectorFilterMirrorDye A 710/50 685 LP PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5 B 530/30 505 LP FITC, GFP, CFSE, Alexa Fluor 488 C 488/10 - SSC 561nm Laser (Yellow/Green) DetectorFilterMirrorDye A 780/60 750 LP PE-Cy7 B 710/50 685 LP PE-Cy5.5 C 670/30 635 LP PE-Cy5 D 610/20 600 LP PE-Texas Red, PE-CF594 E 585/15 - PE 640nm Laser (Red) DetectorFilterMirrorDye A 780/60 750 LP APC-Cy7, APC-efluor BD LSR Fortessa X20 – How to Use Guide 2 Section 1: Instrument Startup 1 The instrument is: OFF (go to step 2); ON (go to step 4).
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B 710/50. BD LSRFortessa ™ X-20 cell analyzer Bringing boundless potential to multicolor flow cytometry, the BD LSRFortessa X-20 cell analyzer gives you the power to expand and customize your science. Built with innovative optical efficiency and fluidics optimized for sensitivity, this system is backed by BD expert training, service and support—so there is no limit to your research potential.
Do LSRII and Fortessa users only need to know > about setting up experiments,
The BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 cell analyzer delivers high performance multicolor analysis with the most compact footprint in its class.
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BD LSRFortessa lasers (405nm, 488nm, 640nm), up to 11 different fluorescence channels, and both tube and 96-well plate loader Instrument: LSR Fortessa HTS. Date:_31 Mar 2015__. By:____Teia___. LASER: Blue Alt #1.
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De analyserades med en FACS Fortessa flödescytometer (BD Biosciences, San micro-channel plate (MCP) detector and high magnification camera system. The BD special order research program allows customers to configure BD flow cytometers and cell sorters to fit precise research and assay needs. Tailored to the special needs of research at the leading edge of biomedical discovery, the program offers a wide range of choices to help researchers create the ultimate customized instrument for their Bringing boundless potential to multicolor flow cytometry, the BD LSRFortessa X-20 cell analyzer gives you the power to expand and customize your science.
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ABOUT BM. West Side Coombs Road, Halesowen, West Midlands B62 8AE. Tel: 0121 602 7252. Fax: 0121 602 7259. HELP & INFO. About Us Shop for fortessa flatware at Bed Bath & Beyond. Buy top selling products like Fortessa® Capri 20-Piece Flatware Set and Fortessa® Bistro 20-Piece Flatware Set. Shop now!