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More properly the beneficium ordinis seu excussionis. A defence, exception or benefit claimed by a debtor that compels the creditor to excuss against another party first. Beneficium ordinis is a Latin term meaning, “privilege of order”. It is a surety’s right to require a creditor to seek payment. This right entitles the creditor to seek payment from the principal debtor before seeking payment from the surety. Beneficium ordinis is commonly used in civil law. "How to pronounce boon?
Strange this post is totaly unrelated to what I was searching google for, but it surely was once indexed at the first page. I assure this would be beneficia. As data sets for training and test we choose certain intervals of the time series ala insulina dokumentationsbogen dmp diabetes diabetes mellitus latin word for Beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere. Att ta emot en gåva är att sälja sin frihet. ***. Bene meritus. Väl förtjänt.
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English words for beneficium include favor, benefit, kindness, good turn, beneficence, boon, service, benefaction, privilege and obligation. Find more Latin words at beneficium ordinis seu excussionis (English) Origin & history bene facio - are: to do beneficià (Catalan) Verb beneficià Verb form of beneficiar beneficiàrem (Catalan) Verb beneficiàrem Verb form of beneficiar beneficiàreu (Catalan) Verb beneficiàreu Verb form of beneficiar 1.
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It is a surety’s right to require a creditor to seek payment. This right entitles the creditor to seek payment from the principal debtor before seeking payment from the surety. Beneficium ordinis is commonly used in civil law. "How to pronounce boon?
The revenue from such assets. 2. A landed estate granted in feudal tenure. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin beneficium, benefit, from beneficus, benefic; see benefic .]
Meaning of title Although the title is typically translated as On Benefits , [1] the word Beneficiis is derived from the Latin word beneficium , meaning a favor, benefit, service, or kindness. [2] Other translations of the title have included: On gifts and services ; [3] On the Award and Reception of Favors ; [4] On Favours ; [5] and On kind deeds .
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How to say beneficium in Latin?
Properly, exactly. Well.), Latin -ficium (Forms nouns that denote the mak…
Look up the Latin to German translation of beneficium in the PONS online dictionary.
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1) (Latin) benefit, service, right. (2) A favour or military promotion. (3) benefit, favor, service, privilege, right. (4) Latin, meaning: benefit, fa Declension of beneficium, declension tables of many Latin nouns, with all cases.
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Apertium: Machine Translation Toolbox / SVN / Commit [r63798]
A church office endowed with fixed capital assets that provide a living. b. The revenue from such assets.