Initial kariesangrepp -


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Samarbete barn – föräldrar – tandvård. Barndomen i vid bemärkelse. Dagens unga – morgondagens vuxna. Fler exempel Cariogram.

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Low%, 5% indicates high risk for caries. High%, 90% indicates low risk for caries. 2. What is diagnosis?

  • Diagnosis is an art and science that results from the synthesis of scientific knowledge, clinical experience, intuition & common sense
  • Caries diagnosis implies deciding whether a lesion is active, progressing rapidly or slowly or whether is already arrested.

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Aug 7, 2017 The Cariogram model is a valuable educational tool to demonstrate to patients the different etiological factors of dental caries and how the  Caries risk assessment ppt - SlideShare Jun 1, 2018 compared with stimulated saliva (Fig 3). thumbnail. Download: PPT Tellez M. Caries risk profiles using cariogram are predictive of caries  methods – such as Cariogram (with or without microbiological tests) or CAMBRA ]; Synthesis and. Decision-Making (integrating the patient level and lesion level  Sep 14, 2016 of Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and California Dental Association) and computer-based programs (e.g., Cariogram).

Cariogram ppt

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Cariogram ppt

Universitet har 24 000 studenter och ligger mitt i Malmö. Cariogram is a computer based program that produces a pie-chart illustrating the contribution of a patient’s risk factors (diet, plaque, history of caries, bacterial counts and saliva secretions) within broad categories and his/her future susceptibility to disease based on a predetermined algorithm. 1 Cariograma Bajar de internet: cariogram (a) Programa: mah As this was the first time that the authors had examined these individuals, the incidence of new caries could not be ascertained, so in order to assign a score of 3 in this study it was decided to consider incipient caries as lesions in the last year and assign a cariogrwma of 3 to patients who presented any incipient caries. Cariogram - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. a brief understanding of the cariogram Cariograma Bajar de internet: cariogram (a) Programa: mah – ppt download.

Cariogram ppt

The program can… Description: Download's free Medical Cardiogram Abstract Medical PowerPoint Template now for your upcoming medical PowerPoint presentations. This free Medical Cardiogram Abstract medical ppt is one of the free medical PowerPoint templates available for medical and healthcare professionals on To facilitate the interpretation of biological data, the Cariogram was developed.
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Browse through our huge selection of community templates or smoothly transition your PowerPoint into Prezi. The examination result were analyzed with programme cariogram . Result.
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Resursteam i barntandvård - PowerPoint Presentation

2005;33(4):256-64. 73. Marinho VC,   Cari es experi ence = Skor 0 Tidak ada karies & tumpatan : Tidak ada karies Tidak ada kavitas & tumpatan lama Tidak ada gigi yang hilang karena  Assessment Tool (CAT),1 the Caries Management by.

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Läs mer  Cariogram, ett datoriserat riskbedömningsprogram, kan då vara ett viktigt hjälpmedel för att utröna orsak till karies och samtidigt vara ett pedagogiskt verktyg i  Fler exempel Cariogram. Dietistens och tandvårdens kostråd. Barn med invandrarbakgrund.