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Hat Rack Hatthylla - Maze @

Beskrivning. Svart hylla i stål inköpt på Svenssons i Lammhult. Perfekt hylla för hallen. Nyskick, knappt använd. Nypris 895:-Säljes av. Maria.

Maze olof kolte

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27.04.2016 - Hat Rack L | black | Maze | The stylish and practical Hat Rack L comes from the Swedish brand Maze and is designed by Olof Kolte. The rack is made of lacquered metal and has a simple and clean design that fits most homes and environments. Storage your clothes with style with this fine rack and combine it with other smart and stylish products from Maze to create a unitary look! Maze - Shelves and storage solutions. Maze is a Swedish brand that is all about the curious details.They produce small furniture pieces, clothe hangers, shelves and other functional interior details. You could say that Maze is a storage expert within Scandinavian design, as they have answers to all your storage problems of a modern home. Make your home more organized with Maze shelves and storage!

Olof Kolte – Miljögårdens Möbler

1 … Olof Kolte is a civil engineer and designer working as a designer and part time senior lecturer at Lund University, School of industrial Design, where he tea 11-jul-2019 - Hat Rack L from Maze by Olof Kolte Hat rack L by Maze by Olof Kolte Apr 27, 2016 - Hat Rack L | black | Maze | The stylish and practical Hat Rack L comes from the Swedish brand Maze and is designed by Olof Kolte. The rack is made of lacquered metal and has a simple and clean design that fits most homes and environments. Storage your clothes with style with this fine rack and combine it with other smart and stylish products from Maze to create a unitary look!

Maze olof kolte

Mitten Shelf from Maze by Olof Kolte Shop shelving, Storage

Maze olof kolte

Finns i färgerna svart och vit.

Maze olof kolte

Han undervisar och forskar på halvtid på Industridesignskolan vid Lunds Universitet och driver egen designstudio i Malmö. Shoe Shelf ist ein stilvolles Schuhregal, das von Olof Kolte für Maze entworfen wurde. Es besteht aus umweltfreundlichem Metalldraht, ist einfach und praktisch   Produktbeskrivning. Hat Rack är en enkel och praktisk hatthylla designad av Olof Kolte för det svenska varumärket Maze. På grund av sin nätta storlek så  Maze skohylle i lakkert metall er perfekt til den mindre entreen! Den er designet av Olof Kolte og matcher hattehyllen i samme design og farger.
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Maze olof kolte

NYPRIS I DAGSLÄGET: 1 095  Olof Kolte. Olof kolte Mitten shelf Hatrack och Mitten Shelf är några av Olof Koltes produkter för Maze. De är idag moderna klassiker som  Maze skohylde i lakeret metal er perfekte til den mindre entré! Den er designet af Olof Kolte og matcher hattehylden i samme design og farver.

It's a practical hat shelf with hooks and suits perfect in the small hallway. Match it with the shoe shelf by Maze. Olof Kolte (s.
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Mitten shelf hylla - svart – - Svenssons i Lammhult

Design: Olof Kolte. Tillverkad i Sverige. H: 105 mm, D: 270 mm, W: 600 mm. Leveranstid ca 2-10 dagar.

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Maze – Hat Rack Hatthylla – 200m2

Olof Kolte. Material.