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flag of Rojava - Wikidata

Hämtat från Rojavakommiteerna: Ringa den Turkiska ambassaden i  Rojava (Häftad, 2018) - Hitta lägsta pris hos PriceRunner ✓ Jämför priser från 4 butiker ✓ Betala inte för mycket - SPARA på ditt inköp nu! Turkiet invaderar Rojava och sprider kaos i det område som befriats av kurdiska styrkor. Stöd revolutionen i Rojava och visa ditt stöd. Flera demonstrationer  Till förmån för Stödgalan, Humanity For Change In Rojava auktionerar jag ut en middag med mig som kock och en föreläsning med mig till  ROJAVA.


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It is, as Shilton says, “…the antithesis of everything around it.” The essential and most important element is the form of government practiced, which is a thoroughly participatory grass-roots democracy. Rojava, or the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), is a political entity in northeastern Syria formed around the principles of direct democracy, autonomy, and women's liberation. Rojava’s uncertain situation. Do these upheavals signal the end of Rojava’s political project? The situation is uncertain. When the Turkish army and its Syrian militias — known as the çete or ‘gangsters’ — attempted to expand their territory, they met with fierce resistance. Rojava is officially secular, and its political make-up consists of ideals of direct democracy and libertarian socialism, decentralisation and gender equality, multi-religion and multi-ethnic organisations and with a focus on environmental sustainability.

Revolution i Rojava - Demokratisk autonomi och - Adlibris

Swedish solidarity committee for Rojava, with local chapters in eight cities. Sverige.


Make Rojava Green Again Swedish by Dog Section Press


While I was finishing the English version of this book, Efrîn, the most western region of Rojava was occupied by the Turkish Army and allied Islamist militias. Furthermore, Turkey has openly announced its intention to attack the rest of Rojava Rojava Revolution Fallen Martyrs We commemorate our two martyrs of the resistance of the age We commemorate our comrade Diyar Afrin who reached martyrdom in Aleppo. In a May 2020 report, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights estimated the number of deaths in the Syrian conflict at between 384,000 and 586,100 people.


This is just a short list of the achievements of the Rojava revolution. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES) or commonly known as Rojava (sometimes called Kurdistan by western media) is an ongoing effort since 2012 to create a libertarian socialist society in the north of Syria according to the principles of Democratic Confederalism. This began with the Rojava Revolution, Rojava is currently battling an apocalyptic war with Turkey.
American english center


Den 3 augusti 2016 så föll vår kamrat Badeen Al (soldatnamn Firaz Kardo) i striden om Manbic, Norra Syrien. Han föll efter att ha deltagit i den YPG/YPJ-ledda  Om kärleken mellan Ryssland och Turkiet, om livet i de ockuperade områdena och om 14e december. Rojava är en enskild firma vars verksamhet är Import & Export livsmedel, Rojava registrerades 2019-08-20 och är registrerat som arbetsgivare Läs mer om  Omgivet av fiender, inklusive IS och Turkiets krigsmakt, håller folket i Rojavas autonoma region på att bygga upp ett av jordens mest progressiva samhällen.

This is just a short list of the achievements of the Rojava revolution.
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#Rojava - Pinterest

2015/06702 http://bravetheworld.com/2015/06/02/anarchy-lives-rojava. Översättning S. Jacobson 2015. Harry Rowe i Rojava.

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Europe for Rojava - Online petition

Rojava, Kurd, Kurdish, Kurdistan, Syria, Northern Syria, Northern, Northeastern, Northeastern Syria, Syrian Democratic  No Ads No Annoying popups. Free Radios for People. Read more.