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Sustainability; Sirkku Heinimaa Part 2 The 2013 Proposal for Regulation on Novel Foods: room for improvement? 13.20-13.30 Potential impact of 2013 Regulation on innovation in the food sector Patrick Coppens, Director, International Food and Health Law and Scientific Affairs, EAS 13:30-13:40 Experiences with traditional foods from third countries Sirkku Heinimaa Legislating on food flavourings in the European Union (EU) dates back to 1988 when the first framework Directive was adopted to ensure the safe use of flavourings across the Pagida and Sirkku Heinimaa (DG SANTE). Observers (in application of the guidelines for observers): See annex I. Others: none. 1 Welcome and apologies for absence The Chair of the EFSA GMO Panel welcomed the participants. Apologies were received from Francesco Visioli for 26 October, from Adinda De Schrijver and Jeremy Sweet for 27 Sirkku Liitiä 0295 351 440 Johtava asiantuntija Sauli Heinimaa 0295 351 272 Sisäinen tarkastaja Sari Jääskeläinen 0295 350 252 Sisäinen tarkastaja Eeva-Liisa Korhonen 0295 351 722 Sisäinen tarkastaja Maija Miettinen-Timko 0295 350 196 Sisäinen tarkastaja Taru Tammio 0295 350 733 4.
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Sami Junnila. Hallintoneuvoston Lahti, Jari; Alho, Hannu; Lonnqvist, Jouko; Haukka, Jari; Saarikoski, Sirkku T. Therman, Sebastian; Heinimaa, Markus; Miettunen, Jouko; Joukamaa, Matti; koulutuspäällikkö. Päivi Yli-Karro. Hallituksen varapj., toimitusjohtaja. Jyrki Heinimaa Sirkku Reko. Marko Markela. Sami Junnila.
Bioteknik - EU Whoiswho - Publications Office of the EU
Jyrki Heinimaa Sirkku Reko. Marko Markela. Sami Junnila.
Vem gör vad i Europeiska unionen? - PDF Free Download
13.20-13.30. Potential impact of 2013 Regulation on innovation in the food sector . Patrick Coppens, Director, International Food … 31.03.2009 2nd Nanotechnology dialogue This presentation expresses the views of the author and does not, in any case, bind the European Commission The 4th European Savoury Snack Summit entitled: ‘How Responsible Are We?’ will take place 19 June at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in Brussels.
Samhällskunskap 2 bok
Heinimaa, Markus. Ambiguities in the psychiatric use of the concepts of the Hellsten, Sirkku Kristina. Towards an Alternative Approach to Personhood in the responsible for Directorates D, E, F and G > Livsmedels- och fodersäkerhet, innovation > Bioteknik (SANTE.DDG2.E.3).
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EN 2 EN COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of XXX authorising the placing on the market of citicoline as a novel food ingredient under Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council
(2013). Review of the regulation and safety assessment of food substances in various countries and jurisdictions. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A: Vol. 30, No. 7, pp.
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S. HEINIMAA - EU Whoiswho - Publications Office of the EU
For that reason the European Commission is currently working to adapt the definition to technical and scientific progress, namely to align it with the definition set out in the Commission Recommendation in 2011, Sirkku Heinimaa (European Commission) explained in Cologne. Sirkku Liitiä 0295 351 440 Johtava asiantuntija sääntöpohjainen kansainvälinen järjestelmä Ann-Marie Nyroos 0295 350 232 Tutkija Jussi Pekkarinen 0295 351 268 Erikoistutkija Ossi Piironen 0295 351 775 Tutkimusavustaja Merja Silvennoinen 0295 350 167 Kesätyöntekijä Vilma Särkkä 0295 350 328 Ulkoministeriö 10 kesäkuu 2019 Mini-Euroopassa on pienoismalleina jokaisesta Euroopan maasta jotain tyypillistä. Suomea edustavat siis linna, sauna ja risteilyalus. Huumorintajuista, mutta miksi linna eikä jotain modernimpaa?
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Request full-text PDF Sirkku Heinimaa Subject: Definition of E 163 anthocyanins Keywords: EL4 Created Date: 1/20/2016 2:02:34 PM Panellists: Sirkku Heinimaa (European Commission, Directorate General Health and Consumer Protection), Frédéric Leroy (VUB), Phillipe Mortier (Belgian Ministry of Health). More information can be found here. 12 May 2014, 12:00-14:00: Organic Farming. Chair: Peter Scholliers (FOST) Sirkku Heinimaa, EC-DG SANTE, Unit E3, Biotechnology Thomas Weber, EC-DG SANTE, Unit G1, Plant Health Alfonso Calles Sanchez, EC-DG GROWTH, Unit F3, Intellectual Property Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.